
Voigtlander Vitessa N


Voigtlander Vitessa N samples

These are shots taken with a Voigtlander Vitessa N with Color-Skopar lens. They didn't turn out that well, most are underexposed quite badly and I suspect I remembered the ISO rating of the film wrong. I really had to boost the contrast and exposure after scanning in. Nevertheless, a few decent shots, so a total waste it was not. I like the camera for its quirky eye-catching looks and it handles ok, although the viewfinder is rather small (typical of 1950s cameras). But clearly it needs a film reminder dial for numpties like me!
A rather random collection of locations and taken over quite a long time span. You may recogise Blackness Castle and Newhaven Harbour. Tyninghame Beach in East Lothian is a gem if you haven't been there, and so is the wee old town of Dunbar.