
Agfa Automatic 66


Agfa Automatic 66 samples

These are shots taken with a Agfa Automatic 66. Only a few of these turned out ok, as the shutter got greasy during using the camera, even though I had cleaned it before, and most pictures were strongly overepxosed and/or unsharp from camera shake. Clearly, just wiping the blades with lighter fluid wasn't enough, there appeared to be an endless supply of oil somewhere in the sutter. Eventually I took the whole shutter apart and cleaned the blades individually, as well as the shutter interior, which did the job, but I've yet to put a film through it again. Interestingly, the blades were clean when the camera arrived, so I strongly suspect the seller either excessively oiled the shutter or superficially wiped the shutter blades just to get the shutter going. I'd rather he hadn't.
Anyway, this is one of the first cameras with an auto exposure system, it would adjust the shutter speed based on a pre-selected aperture setting via an ingeneous pneumatic system (see camera details elsewhere on this site for details). I didn't use it as it sounded like it lagged a bit and I didn't want to dismantle this camera much further than its shutter.
Unsurprisingly considering the sticky shutter, the few pictures that did turn out ok were the ones were I used slow shutter speeds as they were indoors or under trees. Still, the colours of the outdoor ones were strange, so I decided to scan them as B&W. They were taken on the southside of Roslin Glenn, on the path towards Wallace's Cave. Perhaps you recognise it from Outlander!