
Walz Automat


Walz Automat samples

These are shots taken with a Walz Automat 44. I can't remember the film, and it doesn't indicate on the negatives, but I think it was old expired film as you can see marks from the backing paper. The camera appears to have a bit of a light leak. The wind mechanism also wasn't foolproof so I lost a few shots. Such are the ways of old cameras! You can inspect and clean them, but it's not until you test them with film that you can be sure it works, or not.
It's a shame that 127 film is difficult to get as I like the format. The Zunow lens is rare but has a great reputation, and it did a great job close up as well as at distance.
Most photos were taken in Dalkeith Country Park. Worth a visit if you haven't been!

The obligatory selfie in mirror shot so I remember which camera was used.