
KMZ Horizont


KMZ Horizont samples

These are shots taken with a KMZ Horizont, which is a 35mm panorama camera. It has a lens which swing from left to right during exposure, so is best suited to non-moving scenes. Also, if you don't keep the camera level, you'll get a distorted horizon. Which is clearly what happened in several photos below.
I was send this camera to repair, as it suffered from bad vertical striping due to light leaks as well as jitter in the lens rotation mechanism. It got a lot better after servicing, but some striping can still be seen, especially in the first image. This was probably due to a light leak, to which this camera is really sensitive. Keeping it in a case will greatly help avoiding this.
Photographs are from a variety of places, including East Lothian, the Isle of Barra and Assynt, all in Scotland. A fun camera to play with!